In light of the pandemic and subsequent economic impacts, the unfortunate reality is that not all businesses or roles within organisations will be able to weather the storm. On the surface, redundancy doesn’t seem to have a place in ‘Good Employment’, but now the ‘furlough’ scheme is ending and the alternative measures may not provide sustainability for all, we understand many employers will be considering redundancies. With this in mind, our last Supporters Network Webinar was on doing redundancy right, and our panel provided insight on good employer considerations, guidelines and practical elements – equipping employers with the necessary tools to do so with good employment in mind.

Health and Wellbeing: Working Adjustments During Covid-19 | Supporters Network Webinar
Employee health and wellbeing needs to be prioritised in an organisation, ensuring that mental health, physical health and general wellbeing are at the top of the agenda. This is especially important due to the changed workplaces, increased uncertainty and volatility we’ve all experienced during Covid-19. Our recent Supporters Network Webinar was on this topic - speakers guided participants through the different facets of employee health and wellbeing, including the practical implementations of these measures.

Equalities Reporting: Enacting Positive Action and Change | Supporters Network Webinar
To make specific, measurable and actionable goals when looking at equality within your organisation, you must first understand your starting point. Certain reporting will become mandatory, but going beyond this is necessary to obtain meaningful data, that will give way to positive change. Our last Supporters Network Webinar was on this topic, and speakers discussed how employers can properly monitor, measure and report on equalities.

Reopening Workplaces: Planning with Safety at the Forefront | Supporters Network Webinar
As we continue to reopen workplaces, there are many considerations and adjustments that need to be made. Being prepared for the various and ever changing measures to re-opening safely is vital. Our last Supporters Network Webinar was on this topic; speakers offered guidance and answered questions using their various areas of expertise in environmental health, transport, workers’ rights and implementation of the measures.

Employee Voice: Importance of Collaboration in Challenging Times | Supporters Network Webinar
To build back better on an organisational level, we will need to take a collaborative approach and recognise the importance of employee engagement and voice. Including employees in planning and decision-making processes, especially when reopening the workplace, is undoubtedly the best way forward. Our recent Supporters Network Webinar spoke on these topics, where we discussed how employers can harness the power of people within their organisation to overcome the challenges faced during this time.

Equality Issues: Supporting Disabled People in the Workforce | Supporters Network Webinar
Disabled people face many barriers, both in recruitment and in the workplace. Especially amid the current pandemic, there is significant risk that employers intensify this through lack of consideration and proactive policy when reopening. We ran our second Equality Issues Supporters Network Webinar on this topic, where we equipped Supporters with the knowledge to properly support disabled people in their workforce during this time and moving forward.