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Resources for developing excellent recruitment practices. 

Good Employment Charter: Resources for Education | June 2024

Empower students and educators with our Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter Resources for Education. Learn about the seven key characteristics of good work, access comprehensive student and tutor packs and discover how to support and guide young people into good work.

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CIPD: Guide to recruiting, employing and retaining people with convictions | April 2024

The CIPD has been championing better work and working lives for over 100 years. It helps organisations thrive by focusing on their people, supporting our economies and societies.

This guide supports organisations and their leaders and HR professionals when recruiting, employing and retaining employees with convictions or lived experience of the criminal justice system. It aims to provide practical recommendations and information and can be used by organisations of any size, whether you are thinking about simply changing some of your hiring practices or making recruiting people with convictions a key part of your talent acquisition or social responsibility strategies.

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GMCVO: Employer toolkit: Adapting recruitment process to get the best out of young people

The Greater Manchester Centre for Voluntary Organisation (GMCVO) has led youth employment programmes in Greater Manchester since 2013.

GMCVO have listened to the 2,200 young people (as of January 2020) we have supported in this time, taking on board what it is they find difficult about recruitment processes. For many young people, transition is into the world of work is a time of trepidation, characterised by self-doubting questions such as, 'Am I saying the right things?', 'Am I good enough for this?' "What if I mess up?'.

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Untapped Potential: How to benefit from recruiting and retaining autistic people | October 2023

Unlimited Potential provides a range of high-quality, personal services which aim to help people and communities to make a real difference to their lives and neighbourhoods. Through creative and innovative solutions, they tackle personal and social issues which enable individuals and communities to use their strengths and assets in new ways which can fulfil their full potential.

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National Crime Agency: Modern Slavery in the Construction Sector | July 2023

The NCA (National Crime Agency) is a national law enforcement agency in the United Kingdom. They have produced this document informing people about the construction sector being one of the UK’s largest and most important economic sectors and one which is vulnerable to the threat of modern slavery.

Access resources, including research, insights, guidance, fact sheets and more.

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Diversity and Inclusion in Recruitment - Robert Walters Research Paper | May 2022

Robert Walters is a specialist professional recruitment consultancy, working with businesses of all sizes as a trusted recruitment partner.

This research paper, based on a survey of over 450 employers, examines new tools and technology that can help businesses reach new sources of talent, explores strategies to develop a company culture that embraces diversity, and addresses the hurdles faced when creating a collaborative, diverse workforce.

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Inspiring Change Manchester: Fair recruitment and employing people who have experienced disadvantage | 2022

This document wishes to share ideas and examples from Inspiring Change Manchester (ICM) and beyond about fair recruitment and employing people who have experienced multiple disadvantage which can be used in all roles and sectors.

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Good Recruitment for Older Workers: a Guide for Employers | October 2021

Centre for Ageing is an organisation focused on researching and addressing various aspects related to the aging process and the well-being of elderly individuals.

This recruitment guide is based on their Good Recruitment for Older Workers (GROW) project findings and has been published in partnership with the CIPD and the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC). It is designed to help organisations recognise the negative role that age-related discrimination plays in recruitment processes and provide practical suggestions for employers to become more age-inclusive.

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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Resources for supporting equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. 

Good Employment Charter: Disability Guide | May 2024

Explore our comprehensive Disability Guide for Employers within the Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter. Empower your organisation with inclusive practices, resources and insights to foster a workplace that values diversity, equity and accessibility.

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Good Employment Charter: Racism in the Workplace Roundtable Paper | September 2021

The Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter recognises that good employment is founded on workplace cultures that are fair and equitable to all. Racism has no place in our society and the importance of speaking out against racism in the workplace is critical.

Sharing our participants experiences, the discussion provides advice on how employers can adjust their approach, and begin their journey to providing an inclusive environment.

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Alzheimer's Society: Guidance for dementia-friendly organisations | October 2023

Alzheimer’s Society works towards a world where dementia no longer devastates lives. They do this by giving help to those living with dementia today, and providing hope for the future.

This resource offers guidance for employers to help create dementia friendly workforces. It also offers sector specific information for businesses and retail; housing, utilities and technology; arts, entertainments, sport and leisure; financial services; legal and insurance; public services; health, social care and emergency services and rural and faith

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Maternity Action: Managing Pregnancy, Maternity and Parental Leave in the Workplace | June 2023

The toolkit aims to make it easier for employers to meet their legal requirements and support pregnant women and new parents by providing a range of practical information and clear, easy to follow guidance.

The information has been developed by Maternity Action’s in-house legal team, with expert knowledge of maternity rights at work. 

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Acas: Talking About Disability at Work | December 2022

Acas is an independent, publicly-funded organisation that provides up-to-date information, independent advice, high quality training and works with employers and employees to solve problems and improve performance.

Acas have developed key guidance on supporting disabled people at work, including information on: talking about disability, managing long-term conditions, disability related absences, and the important legal frameworks. 

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CIPD: Ethnicity Pay Reporting | January 2019

The CIPD has hosted a series of roundtable discussions in London, Manchester, Leicester, Edinburgh, and Cardiff to gather member views on the potential challenges, approaches, and processes that ethnicity pay reporting could bring.

As well as this, the CIPD created a survey for HR professionals and consultants which received more than 240 responses. 

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Centre for Ageing Better: Becoming an Age Friendly Employer Guide | September 2018

The Centre for Ageing Better is a charity, working to create a society where everyone enjoys later life. They create change in policy and practice, informed by evidence, and work with partners across England to improve employment, housing, health and communities. 

Their 'Becoming an Age Friendly Employer' guide is a comprehensive description of how to be more inclusive of an ageing workforce, with five key actions that employers can take to improve the way they recruit, support and retain older workers.  

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Acas: Improving Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Your Workplace

Acas is an independent, publicly-funded organisation that provides up-to-date information, independent advice, high quality training and works with employers and employees to solve problems and improve performance.

Acas have developed key guidance on improving equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace including policy templates, fair recruitment advice and diversity monitoring forms.

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CIPD: Diversity and Inclusion

CIPD is the professional body for experts in people at work, championing better work and working lives by setting professional standards for HR and people development, as well as driving positive change in the world of work.

Their 'Diversity and Inclusion' page includes resources on a number of workplace diversity and inclusion issues such as disability, gender, race, religion and sexual orientation. These resources include guides, tools, courses and podcasts. 

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GM Equality Alliance: Inclusive Language Guidance

The GM Equality Alliance (GM=EqAl) is a coalition of organisations and individuals drawn from a wide range of communities of experience across Greater Manchester.

Access their 'Inclusive Language' guidance, which supports on language surrounding race and ethnicity, disability, gender, and more. 

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The Clear Company: Racism in the Workplace

The Clear Company is a diversity consultancy that helps organisations ensure inclusive recruitment and employment. They aim to make sure that diversity and inclusion are accessible to all types and size of business, whatever stage they are at in their inclusion journey. 

Access their 'Taking action against Racism in the workplace' resources, which includes an Anti Racism toolkit, Race in the workplace audit, and training programmes which are relevant across the characteristics of Good Employment. 

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Flexible Work

Resources for extending flexible work. 

Timewise: Flexible Working For All: Achieving Greater Equity for Frontline and Site-based Workers | August 2024

The pandemic amplified existing labour market inequalities in access to flexible working and we’re still reeling from the effects of this, especially in the context of health. While half of working adults were able to work from home at times during the pandemic, others weren’t given this option due to the location-based nature of their work.

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Good Employment Charter and Timewise: How and When to Ask for Flexible Working | September 2022

In partnership with Timewise, an award-winning social business and the UK’s leading experts on flexible working. 

We explore how jobseekers can seek flexible working options. It takes you through the different processes for when to ask, and how to ask in a way that improves your chances of getting the arrangement you’re looking for. 

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Good Employment Charter and Timewise: A Line Managers Guide | December 2021

In partnership with Timewise, an award-winning social business and the UK’s leading experts on flexible working. 

We explore how employers can redesign workplaces for a post-covid world. 

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Brabners: Changes to paternity leave, redundancy protection, flexible working and carer’s leave explained | February 2024

In this blog, Brabners highlights four new regulations set to take effect in April 2024 that will transform the legal landscape surrounding family-friendly policies. This includes increased flexibility around paternity leave, extending enhanced protection from redundancy, the right to request flexible working from day one and carer’s leave.

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ACAS Flexible Work CoP Consultation Workshop | August 2023

The Acas consultation on the draft Code of Practice on handling requests for flexible working - Report on a Good Employment Charter Consultation Workshop held on the 1st of August 2023.

The Consultation Document sets out 11 questions on different aspects of the Code of Practice. In the workshop, working in groups attendees were asked to consider each question, discuss within their group/table and then record their views on a single flipchart with voting dots and post-it note comments.

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CIPD: Hybrid Working Practical Guidance | November 2021

CIPD is the professional body for experts in people at work, championing better work and working lives by setting professional standards for HR and people development, as well as driving positive change in the world of work. 

This paper contains information about hybrid working, including the implementation and further resources for your organisation. 

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Timewise: Improving Flexible Working in Construction | June 2021

Timewise is a social consultancy, aiming to create a fairer workplace for all. 

Informed by their flexible working pilots with Build UK and four leading construction firms, Timewise have developed this 10 point plan to summarise the critical steps for employers to take when setting out to improve flexible working in their organisation. These steps can be used to improve flexible working across all roles in the construction sector, but they are primarily design for those with site-based jobs. 

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TfGM Business Portal

Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) is the public body responsible for co-ordinating transport services throughout Greater Manchester.

To help businesses to encourage and enable sustainable travel choices as part of a safe, inclusive and resilient recovery for all, TfGM has launched a business portal with useful information on funding, support and resources available. 

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Resources for supporting fair pay.

Robert Reich Video Explainer: Paid Sick Leave is GOOD for Business | April 2023

Robert Reich is an American professor, author, lawyer and political commentator.

Watch his video to find out why it is good for businesses to offer paid sick leave.

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CIPD: Tackling In-Work Poverty | February 2023

CIPD is the professional body for experts in people at work, championing better work and working lives by setting professional standards for HR and people development, as well as driving positive change in the world of work.

Their 'Tackling In-Work Poverty' page has been created in collaboration with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, to raise awareness of in-work poverty and encourage employers to help loosen poverty’s grip. 

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CIPD: Ethnicity Pay Reporting | January 2019

The CIPD has hosted a series of roundtable discussions in London, Manchester, Leicester, Edinburgh, and Cardiff to gather member views on the potential challenges, approaches, and processes that ethnicity pay reporting could bring.

As well as this, the CIPD created a survey for HR professionals and consultants which received more than 240 responses.

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Living Wage Foundation Resources

The Living Wage Foundation are an organisation which campaign for employers to pay a Living Wage and offer accreditation to employers that pay the Real Living Wage.

This resource page offers guidance, resources and information regarding the Real Living Wage, and information about the businesses who are already accredited. 

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GMCA: Real Living Wage Testimonials from Greater Manchester Employers

Read testimonials from Greater Manchester employers in different sectors who have already signed up to the real Living Wage and the Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter.

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Engagement and Voice

Resources for utilising employee engagement and voice.

Stribe Step By Step Guide: How to Respond to Negative Employee Feedback | July 2023

This blog offers actionable strategies for HR leaders to respond effectively to negative employee feedback, emphasising active listening, accountability, and involvement in finding solutions. It also provides follow-up questions to gain deeper insights and foster a collaborative approach to resolving issues.

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Stribe eBook: Fix Your Employee Engagement Problem | June 2023

Stribe is a tool that allows employers to gather frequent engagement insights using pulse surveys, creating a safe and trusted space for employees to speak up, and provide feedback. Employers can also track particular feedback, and gain insights that are easy to implement. 

Their eBook 'Fix your employee engagement problem' is a guide to getting the most out of employee pulse surveys, and making employee engagement integral to an organisation. 

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CIPD: Trades Union Fact Sheet | July 2022

CIPD have collated all the necessary and most useful information about Trade Unions for employers, including the UK legal position and working with trade unions. Rachel Suff, Senior Employee Relations Adviser at CIPD, is responsible for influencing CIPD policy thinking on employment relations and health. She has over 25 years’ experience in the employment and HR arena.

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People Management

Resources for improving people management and progression.

Good Employment Charter: Leadership for Good Employment Discussion Paper | January 2023

The Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter, in partnership with Gillian Drakeford, Former Global Executive and UK CEO for IKEA, have developed a discussion paper. This paper discusses the different aspects of strong leadership, and will provide recommendations on how leaders and managers can take these steps.

This contains contributions from Social, Common Purpose, Wigan & Leigh College, CIPD, the GM Integrated Care Partnership, and SA Consulting to provide a well-rounded reflections on the different leadership qualities established at the beginning.

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Good Employment Charter: Soft Skills in Hard Times Roundtable Paper | June 2021

The Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter, in partnership with CIPD and Acas, held a virtual roundtable on essential People Management skills.

This Roundtable brought together a range of Greater Manchester employers. Discussions explored the management challenges the pandemic has presented and that lie ahead as the economy recovers. Sharing their experiences, the conversation focussed on the five key behavioural traits identified in the guide, that all managers need to both engage their employees in productive work and support their health and wellbeing.

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Good Employment Charter: Soft Skills in Hard Times Paper | April 2021

The Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter, in partnership with CIPD and Acas, have developed a guide. It discusses the importance, implementation and effect of positive people management skills. 

This guide invites employers to explore short and longer-term strategies to enhance the people management skills within their organisation. It also contains several key relevant resources, which will help guide these plans even further.

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LeaderFactor: The Four Stages of Psychological Safety - a Practical Guide to Improve Psychological Safety at Work | March 2024

This document from LeaderFactor emphasises the primacy of our shared humanity over our roles as employees. It articulates how universal human needs unfold in predictable patterns across diverse demographics and cultures.

Within this framework, the concept of psychological safety is detailed through four distinct stages, outlining its evolution within social contexts. This model serves as a strategic tool for cultivating environments that prioritise inclusivity, trust and authenticity, fostering both individual well-being and organisational success.

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Health & Wellbeing

Resources for fostering employee health and wellbeing.

The Good Employment Charter Mental Health Toolkit | May 2022

Partnered with the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, The Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter is working to promote how to take care of health in the workplace.

The Mental Health Toolkit for Employers includes information and key approaches employers can take to address Mental Health and Wellbeing in the workplace. This resource is applicable to SMEs and larger firms.

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Women’s Workplace Wellness Toolkit for Businesses - The Women's Organisation | 2024

The Women's Organisation are offering tools, guides and information to help small businesses foster a supportive workplace culture that prioritises women's health and wellbeing to attract and retain female talent. 

This bundle includes 'The Menopause at Work Bundle, The Maternal Health at Work Bundle, The Menstrual Health at Work Bundle and The Women at Work Bundle'.

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BHA For Equality - HIV in the Workplace; a guide for Employers and Employees | September 2023

The PaSH Partnership has created a new resource that will support employers to reduce HIV stigma within the workplace, and to ensure that employees living with HIV are protected from discrimination.

The guide will also help working people living with HIV to understand the rights and protection enshrined in The Equality Act 2010, and help them advocate for those rights if necessary.

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Office for Veterans' Affairs - An employers’ guide to hiring veterans | October 2023

Businesses of all sizes can take advantage of this toolkit to assist veterans and members of the Armed Forces community into employment, providing information and guidance about what our veterans can offer.

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Maternity Action: Managing pregnancy, maternity and parental leave in the workplace | June 2023

The toolkit aims to make it easier for employers to meet their legal requirements and support pregnant women and new parents by providing a range of practical information and clear, easy to follow guidance.

The information has been developed by Maternity Action’s in-house legal team, with expert knowledge of maternity rights at work. 

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Bliss - Parental leave for parents of babies in neonatal care | May 2023

Bliss is a UK charity that champions the right of every baby born premature or sick to receive the best care. They achieve this by empowering families, influencing policy and practice, and enabling life-changing research.

This toolkit provides insights into key questions: what constitutes Neonatal Care, the reasons behind the necessity for extended parental leave and financial support, the significance of parental presence in neonatal care for infants, upcoming entitlements for employees, strategies to ensure comprehensive employee support, advantages for employers and examples of how other businesses are implementing neonatal leave and pay policies.


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Remploy Disability Guide | October 2021

Remploy is a leading provider of specialist employment and skills support for disabled people and those with health conditions.

This document provides practical advice for employers in supporting disabled people and those with long term health conditions in the workplace.

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Business in the Community - Sleep and Recovery: a toolkit for employers | January 2018

Small to medium-sized businesses can be adversely affected when key staff are absent due to illness, or when fatigue prevents them from performing at their best. Sleep quality and recovery after sleep deprivation are vital for employees. This toolkit provides information on how to create an environment where employees understand the importance of sleep and recovery and can make healthy choices.

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GM Health Hub Guidance

The Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority have developed the GM Health Hub, full of free health and wellbeing resources to ensure people across Greater Manchester enjoy happier, healthier lives. 

The GM Health Hub contains guidance and signposts to support on a range of topics, including smoking, drinking, nutrition, physical activity and mental health. 

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GreaterSport Active Workplace Toolkit

GreaterSport is a charity that is changing lives through physical activity and sport to help make Greater Manchester the most active region in England.

The Active Workplace Toolkit is a free, one stop shop to help you get your workplace moving more. With information ranging from explaining the business case for physically active employees, ways to embed activity within the working day and success stories from other organisations across Greater Manchester.

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Mind Resources for Businesses

Mind is a mental health charity which provides advice and support for anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They also campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.

This resource page outlines the various free resources they offer to help organisations develop open and supportive workplaces. This includes a mental health at work commitment guide, guide to wellness action plans, and advice on how to support staff that are experiencing mental health problems. 

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Quality Standards

Quality standards that will demonstrate good practice in this characteristic are

Quality standards that will demonstrate good practice in this characteristic are

The simplest and best way for an employer to demonstrate meeting this characteristic is to become an accredited Living Wage Employer with the Living Wage Foundation.

Quality standards that will demonstrate good practice in this characteristic is Investors in People.

Quality standards that will demonstrate good practice in this characteristic are

Quality standards that will demonstrate good practice in this characteristic are

Quality standards that will demonstrate good practice in this characteristic are

Resources to offer?

If you have any resources or support services that could help employers in and around Greater Manchester improve practices in the characteristics of good employment, please contact us!